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Astroport Pangong Lake

Pangong Lake Rd, Merak, 194201

Astroport Pangong Lake provides an exclusive dark sky experience coupled with Astroport Pangong Lake situated at an elevation of 14,000 feet above sea level. A resident Astroport facilitates a captivating stargazing experience beneath the night sky using a high-powered Mead LX 90 or Dobsonian positioned inside the nature nest.

The Astroport Nature Nest Pangong is located 255 Km from the main city of Leh and takes 6 hours to reach from Leh via Chang La Pass. The village is famous for the blue turquoise lake and the pashmina goats of Changthang. Beyond the Turquoise Lake, one can experience the Border village of Chushul as well as the stories of the 1962 war at Rezeng-La. The Astroport Pangong Lake is best known for its traditional appeal and local culture.

Remember, stargazing experiences can vary based on factors like weather conditions, time of year, and individual preferences.

Nearby places

Thiksey Monastery-

Thiksey Monastery or Thiksey Gompa is a Buddhist monastery affiliated with the Gelug school of Tibetan Buddhism. It is located on top of a hill in Thiksey approximately 180 km from Astroport Nubra Valley in the Ladakh region of northern India. It is noted for its resemblance to the Potala Palace in Lhasa, Tibet, and is the largest monastery in central Ladakh, notably containing a separate set of buildings for female renunciates that has been the source of significant recent building and reorganization.

Shanti Stupa-

Shanti stupa is a Buddhist white-domed Stupa on a hilltop in Chanspa, Leh district, Ladakh, in north India. It was built in 1991 by Japanese Buddhist Bhikshu, Gyomyo Nakamura. The Shanti Stupa holds the relics of the Buddha at its base, enshrined by the 14th Dalai Lama. The Stupa has become a tourist attraction not only due to its religious significance but also due to its location which provides panoramic views of the surrounding landscape.

Diskit Monastery-

It is also known as Deskit Gompa or Diskit Gompa is the oldest and largest Buddhist monastery (gompa) in Diskit, Nubra Valley of the Leh district of Ladakh. It is 115 km north of Leh.

Chang La pass-

Chang La is a high mountain pass in Ladakh at an elevation of 5,391 m (17,688.000 ft) in the Ladakh Range between Leh and the Shyok River valley. The Chang La, on Leh to Pangong Lake road, lies on the Leh-Karu-Sakti-Zingral-Chang La-Durbuk-Tangtse-Pangong Lake motorable road. Karu, which lies on Leh-Manali NH-3, connects Chang La and Pangong Lake to Leh and the rest of India. In September 2021, BRO opened another alternate motorable asphalt road between Zingral and Tangtse via Ke La pass (5,669.28 m or 18,600.0 ft) and Taruk.

Other places is Samstanling Gompa, Nubra Valley Sand Dunes, Statue of Maitreya Buddha.

Things around us

Thiksey Monastery
Shanti Stupa
Diskit Monastery
Chang La pass


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